Guide on keeping Hubstaff active and beat the idle timer: Increase your activity level and productivity with these 3 simple hacks!

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Why are employers so keen on tracking employees?

Hubstaff is a time tracking software designed to help businesses and teams efficiently monitor and manage their remote workforce. Founded in 2012, Hubstaff has become a popular solution for companies that rely on remote employees, freelancers, or contractors. The platform offers a range of features that allow managers to track the time spent by their team members on various projects, monitor their productivity levels, and generate detailed reports for payroll and invoicing purposes.

One of the key features of Hubstaff is its ability to track time automatically through desktop applications, web browsers, and mobile apps. Employees can easily start and stop timers for their tasks, and managers can view real-time activity levels, including screenshots and app/URL tracking. Additionally, Hubstaff provides tools for scheduling shifts, managing productivity levels, and integrating with popular project management and accounting software. This comprehensive solution aims to streamline workforce management, improve transparency, and enhance overall productivity for remote teams.

Why is Hubstaff difficult to trick?

Hubstaff time tracking employs advanced tracking mechanisms and algorithms to detect potential attempts to manipulate or circumvent its time tracking system. Unlike simplistic time tracking tools that solely rely on monitoring mouse movements or keystrokes, Hubstaff's technology incorporates multiple layers of verification. It uses a combination of factors, including active window tracking, application monitoring, periodic screenshot capturing, and even optional webcam recording, to ensure accurate and tamper-proof time tracking.

Furthermore, Hubstaff's developers have anticipated the use of tools like mouse jigglers or software designed to simulate user activity. The platform's algorithms can identify patterns and discrepancies that are indicative of such tactics. For instance, if the system detects repetitive, robotic mouse movements or a lack of corresponding keyboard and application activity, it can flag the session as potentially fraudulent. Hubstaff's robust activity tracking and intelligent analytics make it extremely difficult for users to game the system without being detected, ultimately promoting accountability and transparency within remote teams.

How does LazyWork trick Hubstaff?

LazyWork uses the latest AI algorithms to defeat many existing time tracker softwares such as Hubstaff. As we've mentioned above, many cheap and simple tools are available on the market but many of them fail to deliver on the promise on cheating these time tracking softwares. With simple patterned movements to unrealistic simulation of user activity, they can very easily be detected by Hubstaff and it's AI insights. The hubstaff dashboard looks as follows.

Hubstaff Insights Final
Hubstaff Insights, showcasing many of it's detection/dashboards

Activity Hack #1: Variable movements and randomized behaviour

Simulating human-like mouse movements and keypresses through code is a technique used by developers, security researchers, and even malicious actors for various purposes. One common approach is to leverage system libraries or APIs that allow programmatic control over input devices such as mice and keyboards. These libraries provide functions to move the cursor, perform clicks, scroll, and send keyboard input events.

To simulate realistic mouse movements, developers often employ algorithms that mimic human behavior. This can involve introducing minor random deviations in speed, direction, and acceleration, as well as incorporating pauses and changes in movement patterns. By analyzing real user data, developers can create statistical models that capture the nuances of human interactions, such as the distribution of pause times, click rates, and trajectory smoothness.

Keypresses can be simulated by generating sequences of keystrokes that resemble typical typing patterns. This includes factors like typing speed variations, common misspellings or corrections, and the incorporation of delays between key presses. Advanced simulations may even account for language-specific typing behaviors, such as common keystroke combinations or the prevalence of certain character sequences. By combining realistic mouse movements with natural-looking typing patterns, developers can create highly convincing simulations of human-computer interactions.

Activity Hack #2: Configurable to each user's work environment

Configurable software settings are a crucial aspect of user-friendly software design, as they allow end users to tailor the experience to their specific needs and preferences. Every individual has unique working styles, habits, and requirements when using software applications. By providing a range of adjustable settings, we empower users to optimize the tool according to their particular use case, ensuring a more seamless and efficient workflow.

For example a customer support or virtual assistant would be on their computer more often, hence expected to have a higher activity level from Hubstaff reports. However, for a remote sales person, this may not be the case. In order for LazyWork to be as useful to the public as possible, we decided to include many adjustment options for the end user, such as mouse movement, keyboard movement and scrolling delays that can be customized to achieve the expected activity level on Hubstaff.

Adjustable settings from LazyWork UI

Activity Hack #3: Simulate all inputs

Accurately reproducing human behavior on a computer requires a thorough approach that considers the diverse input methods and interaction patterns seen in real users. A crucial aspect is simulating mouse movements and clicks realistically. Authentic mouse trajectories involve nuanced variations in speed, acceleration, direction, and natural pauses. Replicating these subtleties is crucial to evade detection by anti-fraud systems, which can spot overly consistent or robotic mouse behavior.

Equally vital is simulating keyboard input. Typing behavior encompasses more than mere character sequences; it involves factors like typing speed fluctuations, common errors and corrections, and delays between keystrokes. Advanced simulations may even factor in language-specific typing idiosyncrasies, such as frequent character combinations or prevalent keystroke patterns. Precise keyboard simulation is essential for tasks like data entry, coding, or any activity requiring extensive text input.

In addition to mouse and keyboard inputs, mimicking human-like computer usage entails emulating typical user actions and application interactions. This includes tasks like tabbing between fields, switching among open windows or applications, scrolling through content, and interacting with graphical user interface (GUI) elements such as menus, buttons, and dropdowns. Achieving accurate simulation of these actions demands an understanding of typical user workflows, application logic, and the ability to programmatically control and interact with diverse software components. By comprehensively simulating all facets of user input and behavior, developers can craft highly convincing simulations that effectively mirror genuine human activity on a computer system.

How do I beat Hubstaff with LazyWork?

There is a safe, undetectable way to trick time tracking app into “thinking” that you are working while you are away from your device. You can keep tracking time, and still take a break from work. Staying active while on a break can be achieved by using LazyWork.

That is how it functions:

  • Register for a 7-day free trial
  • Install and start using the program.
  • Start producing keyboard and mouse activity whenever you need to take a break.

LazyWork is a desktop application for Windows PC which helps users create activity reports for use with any time monitoring program by simulating human activity.

While not really using your PC, LazyWork enables you to produce reports on mouse and keyboard activities.

Time tracking tool “records” this created mouse and keyboard activity and saves it together with “actual” user-provided data.

So, even while you are away from your keyboard or taking a break, your PC keeps working for you. This is quite similar to having a personal assistant.

You may test the product for 7 days without making an initial payment by using the offered free trial.
No questions are asked if you decide to cancel your membership.

Activity Hack
always available status
Cheat screenshots
Hack Hubstaff
idle hack
Improve hubstaff activity
Trick Hubstaff